Proposal Management

Since I have started Three Miles in March 2015, I met dozens of entrepreneurs and heard many of their innovative ideas. Although all of their stories radiate the same enthusiasm, their proposals often do not. That is a missed opportunity as a proposal can make or break a deal. This applies in particular for European Tenders where contracts are awarded purely based on the quality of a proposal.

From my years of experience combined with writing skills, I have helped entrepreneurs by writing excellent proposals. And I can help you too, from a proposal scan to all-in proposal management.

After having scored the highest ranked proposal ever for a client, I got nicknamed Professor Proposal.

Proposal Scan

4 to 8 hours


My proposal scan starts with an interview to get to know your company, your ideas and to experience your enthusiasm. After that, I review your proposal in detail and provide you with guidelines for improvement.

Proposal Training

from 24 hours


The first step of a proposal training is a proposal scan. In addition, I rewrite your proposal and together we go through all of the improvements thoroughly. This way I show you how to put your enthusiasm into your next proposal.

Proposal Management

from 48 hours


My all-in proposal management service starts with a review of the request for proposal or tender documents and one or more interviews. After that I write a concept proposal that you can review. After the review I finalize the proposal.